I drew an intentional comparison in media coverage between the pro-illegal alien rallies and the Tea Party rallies and struck a nerve. I applied the language of the media in their vitriolic descriptions of Tea Partiers to amnesty protesters, and came up with this:
Its funny when the media admit and refuse to condemn Latinos voting in racial blocs. Clearly the only time that racial-bloc voting is a no-no is with the fairer race. The MSM has been going viral lately at the hues of protesters at Tea Party rallies, frequently making stereotypical comments like, "All those white faces, whew, kind of looks like a Nazi rally, doesn't it?!" Yet, alas, when non-whites show up in numbers to pursue something obviously in their racial interests, we don't hear condemantions. Why is that? Where are the comments saying things like, "Wow, look at all those Mexicans. I haven't seen this many since I toured San Quentin," or, "Last time I saw this many dark faces was when I drove by the Five Points foodstamp office," or how about this dinger: "Now I undertstand what it must have been like at the Alamo!" How about at least something like, "Notice all those brown faces? That means that their cause is not widely accepted by a variety of Americans but rather pertains only to the narrow prejudices of their race."I got a nice six thumbs-up votes from readers before board admins issued a "board warning" for my "racism." I responded and thanked them for their cooperation in proving my point.
What is with the anti-white double standard, Denver com-Post?
Just wait until they lock their jaws into Tim Tebow, he is the embodiment of everything they hate. Don't believe their "tolerance" rhetoric for a single minute; they only "tolerate" what they don't hate and if you don't hate what they don't hate you are intolerant and hateful.
Denver comPost forum member notanillegalalien nailed it with this:
La Raza = racists
LULAC = racists
MeCHA = racists
MALDEF = racists
The illegal alien immigration issue is based on racism - THEIRS.
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