Saturday, May 1, 2010

DPS Administration Needs to Be Fired In Toto

Tom Boasberg, the new DPS superintendent, along with his fellow administrators, are pushing a political agenda with taxpayer dollars under the guise of protecting DPS workers from "racial profiling." Unless it's a habit of Denver Public Schools to send their people across state lines in a pickup truck with 30 DPS workers hanging out of the back of it or otherwise engage in suspicious behaviors, the claim that there is a risk of being "profiled" is completely in their heads, and hence DPS administration is taking it upon themselves to push a political agenda with city dollars.

Worse, Boasberg makes a fraudulent claim that "the community" has his back and is "deeply outraged." Oh? Who did he ask? Himself and his cronies? Channel 7 posted an article about this DPS boycott and included a reader poll asking if DPS was in the right or wrong, and it would seem that the community doesn't have Boasberg's back at all.

Boasberg and his liberal DPS allies are the same ones letting Mexican kids cut school to protest at immigration rallies. Specifically kids from predominantly Mexican West and North high schools keep showing up marching against every move legislators make to control the border. Wonder who is cheering them on and empowering them? Look no further than Boasberg.

If Boasberg & Co. were pushing an anti-amnesty agenda with city funds and trucking in bus loads of white kids out of white schools to protest amnesty sentiments, you can bet all hell would break loose.

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