Saturday, April 17, 2010

Five Points Isn't Safe for Skateboarding?! No Way!

Techncially speaking, it didn't occur in Five Points, but its close enough: one block away from the official boundary of the neighborhood, which people living with their heads in the clouds think will be made all nice-nice if only some rich white people move in. You wish.

Ignoramous Suburbanitus is an epidemic disease. Unfortunately it's usually not discovered until the victim is hit on the head with reality after spending a childhood and early adulthood in a nice, quiet, demographically homogenous suburb. For such people, the city of Denver is a bag of surprises. This guy got his ass gang-attacked in front of his kids for opening his mouth in a ghetto dispute. That the race of the perpetrators wasn't published almost always means it was those of a swarthier persuasion. People such as that are media darlings and the media expend no small amount of energy covering their backs. Besides, its Five Points. HELLO.

Some guy from Arvada has been taking his kids to some skate park built recently during the era of ghetto gentrification. Sorry, dude, but locals know better. Crime-ridden, economically depressed areas are those that are targeted for gentrification. Gentrification means high crime inner city, which is why the areas are depressed to begin with. Crime and econmic destitution go hand in hand. It's a basic fact. Get used to it. In fact, people with half a brain should turn and run from gentrified places, unless they like paying top-notch prices for Crips, homeless people with lice, and heroin addicts shooting up in every other doorway.

More than enough has come out in the media (and this blog) about the crime problems these liberal do-gooders are encountering in the Five Points/Lower Downtown areas to give someone pause. If you don't know by now, you aren't paying attention.


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