Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Memory Hole of Political Correctness: Black on White Crime

Recently Denver was once again presented with a not-so-uncommon trend in crime: black on white. Numerous white women have been kidnapped at gunpoint and forced to withdraw money from ATM machines. All of the suspects are black males. Of course, the usual reaction to such things is stony silence followed by a quick trip down the memory hole. Obviously, the victims are being selected in part due to their gender and their race. The media were more than happy to say that "four women" were abducted, robbed, and sometimes hogtied. But that the victims were white and the suspects black? Nope, can't cross that line.

Source article

In 2006, a black male shot and murdered a white police officer and shot at a white woman who was driving to work. The white police officer was in his own vehicle, in civilian clothing. The killer approached him at a stoplight and shot him several times through his car window. Only one story I saw in the local Denver media at the time mentioned the racist views of the black killer as well as the racist literature found in his home. The others ignored it entirely. Would the media have taken this approach if the killer were white and the victims black? Of course not, so what's wrong with this picture?


From 2007: A black male committed a home invasion robbery of a white man, stole his truck, robbed a bank and was finally apprehended when a quick-thinking cop ran him over with his car. With such common occurrences of black-on-white crime, even when a racial motive has been found, why does it always vanish down the memory hole of political correctness?

Source article

Not only are the media in general in denial about a black crime problem, but moreso in denial about the black-on-white crime epidemic. This epidemic is plainly obvious in annual US Department of Justice crime data and elsewhere, such as in studies of prison rape, which are overwhelmingly black-on-white. A few examples for browsing.

From FBI Uniform Crime Data (Source here)

Another example. 2005 Uniform Crime Data reported that 33% of white rape vicitms reported a black offender, while 0.0% of black rape victims reported a white offender. Refer to this page and click Table 42 for the year 2005.

Last, but not least, studies of prison rape conducted through several decades show a consistent racial pattern in rape. Stop Prisoner Rape's online study remarked,

"The fact remains that blacks continually and almost exclusively rape whites in prison. The evidence is based on studies conducted over the last 40 years (Davis 1968; Nacci 1978; Lookwood 1980; Starchild 1990). Why does this white victim preference prevail? Whites continue to be raped more severely and frequently and at a disproportionate rate than any other racial or ethnic group Gones 1976; Bowker 1980; Lookwood 1980). This racial inequality may be the largest in any violent crime committed in the United States...

This persistent victimisation of whites over any other ethnic or racial group is why conditions need to be implemented to protect whites from rape or future rapes in prison."

Source study (PDF file)

Interestingly, this major finding in prisoner rape is not easily found at After all, who would send money to a group that discovered that most victims of a crime were white?! White victims just don't bring the sympathy and the dollars that black and brown victims do, and what enlightened person would hold black and brown attackers accountable (aren't these "hate crimes"?) and force them to leave those white boys alone? Nobody seems to have considered that this phenomena is likely fueling neo-Nazi gangs in prisons. After all, where else would a blue-eyed devil find protection?

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