Monday, August 11, 2008

Hoax: DNC "Open House" at Invesco Field

The Democratic National Committee is offering 30,000 free seats to Colorado residents at Invesco Field for Barack Obama's acceptance speech which they are touting as a "historical event" which wouldn't be one except the Democrats are indirectly pushing the race issue in calling it such. So much for post-racial.

The DNCC advertised these seats as being open to the whole of the community, regardless of political affiliation, first come, first serve. They gave no indication of disqualifying factors other than ability to travel to the event and have a verifiable identity. Logically speaking, this makes little sense. I was proven correct as I applied for two "community credentials" only hours after the DNC began accepting applications. My submission was well within the window of available seating, therefore numerically, I should have been guaranteed credentials. My application, however, has gone down the memory hole. I had my suspicions verified today by the Denver comPost's audio news report called Obamarama Ticket Update. The announcer declared that he had recieved an email from the DNCC inquiring if he was still interested in the credentials, and whom to contact about it. I received no such email. All that did happen on my end was that after I submitted my application for credentials, I was kindly added to the Obama campaign's spam email list.

As Obama's public appearances - especially those on television - are known to be controlled, scripted and coreographed as much as possible, its highly unlikely that his crowning moment at the Democratic Convention would be any less. Just letting anyone in could end up disruption, his speech among his flock being submerged in waves of booing and jeering on worldwide television. More likely, then, that the general public offering was a public relations ploy of sorts to boast the number of people applying for access credentials by making it appear as if all those people really just love Obama and he loves them back. In reality, they've undoubtedly subject all applications to a secretive selection process likely beginning with the email address of submitters checked with the Obama campaign for contributions, campaign activity, and membership in the Colorado Democratic Party. Undoubtedly applicants who ticked the "volunteer" box with their submissions also were bounced to the front of the pecking order. As I am not a volunteer, nor donor, nor Democrat, I have been tossed by the wayside.

I have joined the ranks of those who have been Thrown Under the Bus™.

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