Thursday, October 9, 2008

Freakette Enjoys Oral Sex on 2 Year Old Son

Where do they come from and why do they always end up in Denver?

This 2-legged cow decides to add a new twist to diaper changing and is dumb enough to send pictures of it to a friend. Of course the friend was too stupid to call the police, she just forwarded them to the father of the child who called police.

"Did I tell you about my fantacy (sic) about the baby? It is weird but at times when I change his diaper I think of taking it into my mouth to see his reaction."

In a message the next day, she wrote, "DID IT!!././.He giggled a lot. I think it tickled him. I will try again tomorrow. I think if I do it enough he will get use (sic) to it."

Have you ever noticed that the people most prone to this kind of behavior are also the ones who are also most likely to be semi-literate? Perhaps this woman was a Mohel in a past life.

Source article.

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